Best Bonus List Promotes Responsible Gaming
At Best Bonus List we encourage the use of responsible gambling tools that can help prevent problems before they arise. Online gambling has a higher risk of problem gambling than playing at land-based casinos due to the fact that we use online banking tools that have no limits.
Look for the responsible gambling box in our online casino reviews under casino details.
What Is Problem Gambling?
A problem gambler is someone who has difficulty controlling how much time or money they spend on gambling, which can lead to financial problems, relationship problems, or work problems. People believe gambling is harmful to a variety of reasons.
People gamble for a variety of reasons, most of which is social or recreational in nature. Simultaneously, loneliness can play a significant role in the development of problem gambling. Most gamblers believe it is advantageous, but problem gamblers are far more likely than non-problem gamblers to identify money as their primary motivation.
When gambling becomes a problem, it has a negative impact on both the gambler and their family. Problem gambling can lead to divorce, bankruptcy or financial hardship, suicide, crime, poor health, and increased use of alcohol and other substances.
Problem gambling is now recognized as a public health issue, which may help ensure that those in need of treatment receive it. The gambling-related burden of harm is estimated to be comparable in magnitude to the harm attributed to major depressive disorder or alcohol misuse and dependence.
There has been ongoing concern that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on Canadians' mental health. Problem gambling is a type of addiction; the pandemic's stress and disruption may influence gambling activities, as well as alcohol and drug consumption. Although it is too early to tell, access to a diverse range of gambling platforms and sites, in the context of increased online time during the pandemic, may be associated with increased risks of problem gambling
QUICK FACTS, According To The 2018 Canadian Community Health Survey,
- Nearly Two-Thirds (64.5%) Of Canadians Aged 15 And Up (18.9 Million) Gambled In The Previous Year
- Two-Thirds Of Canadians Reported Gambling In The Last 12 Months.
- Just Over Half Of Canadians Bought A Lottery Or Raffle Ticket Last Year.
- Approximately 300,000 Canadians Were At Risk Of A Gambling Problem,
- Canadians Losing Nearly $10 Billion Online In 2015 In Canada And Around The World.
Tips To Avoid Problem Gambling
- Most people who gamble do so for fun and entertainment. However, some people develop problems with gambling that can lead to financial ruin, job loss, family problems, and even suicide.
- If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, there are steps that can be taken to get help. Here are some tips for avoiding problem gambling:
- Don’t gamble with money you can’t afford to lose.
- Set a limit on how much money you are willing to lose before you stop gambling.
- Set a limit on how much time you spend gambling.
- Don’t chase your losses.
- Don’t gamble when you are feeling upset or angry.
- Don’t gamble if you have a problem with alcohol or drugs.
- Get help if you think you have a gambling problem.
- There are many resources available to help people with gambling problems. If you or someone you know needs help, take the help.
There are some warning signs to look for if you or someone you know has a gambling problem. Gambling addiction can result in financial ruin, relationship problems, and even criminal activity. If you notice any of the warning signs listed below in yourself or someone you know, it's time to seek help.
1. More frequently or for longer periods of time gambling
2. You should never bet more money than you can afford to lose.
3. When you are not gambling, you may feel restless or irritable.
4. Gambling to get away from problems or negative emotions
5. Despite the fact that it is causing you financial problems
6. Lying about your gambling to friends or family
7. Borrowing money to gamble with or failing to repay debts
8. Losing interest in hobbies or activities that you once enjoyed
9. Skipping work or school in order to gamble
10. Gambling until you've spent all of your money
If you or someone you know exhibits any of these symptoms, there is help available. There are also numerous online resources available to assist you in overcoming your gambling addiction.
No matter where you are in the process, a gambling counselor can assist you. It is completely free, private, and anonymous. Find a therapist in your area right now.
Gordon Moody offers a global service that provides free practical advice and emotional support to anyone affected by gambling addiction. If you are concerned about your own gambling or the gambling of others, speaking with someone can be extremely beneficial. They have trained advisors ready to assist you via your text-based multilingual live support service. During difficult times, the team will answer your questions, provide information, and provide practical and emotional support. Visit:
The service is private and anonymous. GamTalk provides help and information to people who are addicted to gambling. The helpline is staffed by trained counselors who can offer callers advice and support. GamTalk also provides a forum for people to share their experiences and connect with others who are suffering from gambling addiction. Do you want to tell someone about your experience? Visit GamTalk to connect with others who have been through similar experiences.
RecoverMe is a mobile app that can help you manage your gambling addiction. The app employs cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and other support tools to assist you in managing urges and preventing gambling lapses.
Use code: RECOVERME100 to use the app for free.
Toll-Free Gambling Help Phone Numbers
Alberta Problem Gambling Resources Network: 1-866-461-1259
British Columbia Problem Gambling Help Line: 1-888-795-6111
Quebec Gambling: Help and Referral: 1-800-461-0140
Manitoba Addictions Help Line – Problem Gambling: 1-800-463-1554
Newfoundland Problem Gambling Help Line: 1-888-899-4357
New Brunswick Gambling Information Line: 1-800-461-1234
Northwest Territories General Help Line: 1-800-661-0844
Nova Scotia Problem Gambling Help Line: 1-888-347-8888
Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line : 1-800-265-3333
Ontario ConnexOntario Help Line: 1-866-531-2600
Prince Edward Island Problem Gambling Help Line: 1-855-255-4255
Saskatchewan Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-800-306-6789
Yukon Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services: 1-866-456-3838
Signs of Gambling Addiction
- Finding yourself spending most of your free time gambling
- A compulsive need to gamble
- Playing with more money than you can afford to lose
- Increasing bet size while gambling
- Chasing previous losses
- Borrowing money to keep gambling online or offline
- When gambling is more important than your friends and family
Responsible Gaming Tools
These responsible gaming tools are highlighted in our online casino reviews and will help you to keep online gambling for entertainment purposes only.
- Deposit Limit
- Loss Limit
- Session Limit
- Wagering limit
- Player History
- Time Alert
- Self-Exclusion
- Self-Assesment
Responsible Gambling Council
The responsible gambling council or RGC in short is set up to promote safer gambling and offers help for English and French-speaking Canadians. They have over 35 years of experience dealing with gambling addiction, problem gambling, and underage gambling in Canada.
- Safer Play
- Help for Problem Gambling
- Problem Gambling Prevention
Source: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
Underage Gambling And Parental Control
There is such a thing as underage gambling and it's possible to prevent this from happening online. There is free-to-use software available that prevents access to online casinos in Canada.